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 The beauty of a resilient blue economy

By Mnemosyne (pronounced By Neh•ma•za•nee) is an interdisciplinary creative and sustainability consultancy that is rooted in the liberal arts (i.e., the arts and humanities, plus the natural and social sciences), providing fully integrated services to businesses, organizations, and startups.

What is TRUE?

On sustainable resource management and waste reduction 

Designing for engagement & impact

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Checkout the latest insights 

Transforming businesses, fostering social stewardship, and serving as a catalyst for industries metamorphosis

Capabilities include:

Past clients include:

What sustainability means to By Mnemosyne

Sustainability is viewed as an interconnected systems dynamic between social and economic systems (created by humans), environmental, and other biological systems (created by Nature) as well. Together, they all play out within Earth's planetary boundaries.  As the United Nations, and the indigenous people who existed before its establishment are aware, us living beings today are the stewards of life on Earth and for future generations..

"Look and listen for the welfare of the whole people and have always in view not only the present but also the coming generations, even those whose faces are yet beneath the surface of the ground -- the unborn of the future Nation."

Law 28: the Constitution of the Iroquois Nation
(500+ years old ~ Source)

Certifications held within the consultancy include:

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